Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Life at Springbrook & Wargo Nature Centers

new babies

"Don't get too close!"

Tree Swallow

"How long can you stand on one leg?"

female Red Winged Blackbird (?)

American Coot

"You talkin' to me?"

Life in our back yard

time to build a nest

Yes, we have turkeys.

"Someday my prince will come!"

"I'm here!"

true love

Eastern Phoebe

papa robin in apple tree

"Get away from the nest!"

mamma robin on nest

now we know where the Easter bunny goes after Easter

Alex & grampa at Springbrook Nature Center 4/18/06

Alex exploring

an old coot (not grampa)

"You talkin' to me?"

geese all over the place

"This tree needs straightening."

time to go home

Anna's 10th birthday 4/16/06

(the wine is not Alex's)

"This is a joke, right? Cat food?!"

Gophers, all the way!

"Yes, I am ten."

"Money's good!"

a gift from Carolyn

"I'm all set."

Anna & Alex's spring break at Disneyworld

on the plane

"We're here!"

"Now that we have the ears, it's official!"


Aren't you on television? ... some ad?

on a ride

Is this Goofy or Pluto?

Minnie's new boy friend

the end

more birds, etc.

American Coot
