Friday, June 30, 2006

school talent show 5/19/06

Anna & friends doing the macarena

Rose-breasted Grosbeak

Springbrook 5/18/06

Green Heron

Great Blue Heron

this heron is in Red-wing Blackbird territory

"I'm outta here!"

Song Sparrow doing what it's supposed to

Crows have nests also

a beaver up a tree (I didn't know they did that)

pair of Catbirds

Kristine's birthday, May 16, 2006

photo taken by Alex at Springbrook

"That cake is good!"

picture painted by Anna

Spring concert at St. Anthony Park Lutheran

Mother's Day 2006

Kris' Kritters

all of these were taken at Kris' house on Mother's Day

"Hang in there!"

black squirrel

more from Springbrook


Yellow-rumped Warbler

Anna's first band concert

"Who's that in the audience?"

part of a successful musician's attire

some of Bonna's flowers

spring at Springbrook Nature Center

fire & brimstone preacher bird

Hooded Merganser

there's always room for one more

my friend, Bucky the Beaver

Barn & Tree Swallows

"Why are the young always in a hurry?"

"Wait for me!"